There Will Be No Sequel for PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds

Over the last past year, PUBG registered a huge success even if it was not officially launched. Despite its popularity and the pleasant way in which the public received it, some people already try to figure out what the sequel will include. However, the creator of the game might destroy everyone’s hope when stating that they did not even plan for a sequel.

For almost a year, PUBG was in a state of early access. They postponed the game’s official launch for both the Xbox One and PC. The framework of the game gathered numerous fans. As the story unfolds, we see a hundred people being dropped on a massive island. They will scavenge for gear to become the last one standing in this conflict zone which continuously diminishing. The creator of the game, Brendan Greene, does not wish to save anything from his resources to build a sequel. He argues that his only plan is to continue to build on PUBG instead of developing another game. The new game is a service. However, they will continue to polish their game, adding more maps and specific features. They intend to continuously improve the gameplay relying on gamers’ experiences. Game developers want to optimize it as they advance their work. The game will just grow organically, just like in the case of Minecraft where there was no need for a sequel. Game developers continued to enhance the content of PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds more and more. The core game may seem pretty simple, but it is also very compelling. The new PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds will be an extraordinary game which will be launched soon. Even if it is not on the market yet, it already has a great number of fans, waiting to see the story, the maps, and the whole game content. The game is so complex that it might not even need a sequel.

PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds to increase blue zone damage damage over time

The competitive and casual meta alike for PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) will never be the same after the Blue Zone damage is increased. Two months ago, Bluehole and ESL joined forced to create a PUBG Invitational tournament from the Gamescom floor. In it, Korean player Evermore used out-of-the-box strategies en route to a solo tournament win, including sitting in the Blue Zone for a ridiculous amount of time. It was a legitimate idea, but now Bluehole will make sure it can’t be abused to that extent going forward. As announced in a Steam update for the weekly PUBG patch, the Week 31 Early Access patch will increase the damage the Blue Zone does over time. Additionally, a bug where bullets fired from weapons would sometimes avoid armor and penetrate a player’s base health has been corrected. Testing for this patch will begin early next week. “We have received a lot of feedback asking for improvement of the blue zone,” the PUBG patch note reads. “We have decided to adjust the blue zone damage to encourage engagement inside of the play zone. From this new update, you will be able to focus more on the immediate, close-ranged skirmishes inside the play zone, instead of dealing with enemies outside of the play zone during the mid to late phases of the game.” The key words in that statement might be “mid to late phases of the game.” Currently, PUBG Blue Zone damage already does a fair bit of health tick once you’re in those phases. If you hang out in an area with strong loot tables but where people don’t go due to plane alignment (such as North Georgopol), you can currently last a round or two in the blue due to the amount of heals available to be found. We’ll have to see what differences are made to this element of PUBG gameplay, but it will certainly have an effect on how the game is played from a competitive and casual standpoint.

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