
Wanda is a canine mink of the Warrior Beast Tribe and a member of the Musketeers. As a female mink, Wanda possesses a humanoid body with a curvaceous and well-endowed build, as well as animalistic features. In her case, she has canine features, most notably a large nose, flappy ears, and a large bushy tail. Wanda wears long pants and high-heeled shoes, and a striped bikini. Her outfit overall greatly resembles one of Nami's previous outfits as noted by Usopp. During Jack's invasion, Wanda wore a light open-necked shirt, short shorts, and a cavalier hat.

Wanda is not prejudiced, as she stated that she judges others by what is on the inside rather than what is on the outside. She is helpful to strangers, as she tried to assist the Straw Hat Pirates by giving them directions on Zou and protected Luffy from the guardians of the Whale Forest. She sometimes says things without thinking about the context, as when she referred to Brook as a corpse the Straw Hat Pirates thought she was talking about their crewmates' dead bodies. Similar to a dog, she has a habit of licking others on the face, as seen when she licked Luffy's face. Also, she finds Brook to be delicious, since his body is bones. Just like many of the Mink Tribe, Wanda is attracted to humans and will sometimes lick them to show affections.

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